Sunday, November 2, 2008

Election Day

This Election Day has been more hyped than the last three Star Wars movies times High School Musical 3 to the power of the entire Harry Potter Series plus a couple of Super Bowls. Come Tuesday for better or worse it will be over. That is of course barring either of the two pulling a Mugabe, civil war would be quite unpleasant. For nearly two years every media outlet has relentlessly covered this damned election in every painstaking, mind numbingly irrelevant angle. We know that the bamboo floors in the Setai NYC condos was the same as the bamboo used to construct McCain's studio apartment in North Vietnam. We know that Obama used to carouse with Satan and Stalin and is conspiring with the grinch to steal Christmas and turn Commerce Bank green.

This whole mess is turning into Alien vs. Predator. Whoever wins, we all lose. I finally got some mileage out of that insanely terrible movie. The government should keep its hand out of my bank account, criminals off the street, me out of the army, keep the lights on, reduce traffic, bring back online poker, give everyone guns or take them all away, colonize space, and prevent things from blowing up except for anything that tries to interfere with our insatiable consumerist lifestyle. Is that too much to ask? Apparently it is.

Freedom isn't free. That just sounds great doesn't it? Right up to the point where someone asks you to pay for freedom. So just how much does freedom cost? For most of us somewhere around 45% of your income. Casinos work off of a 5 - 20% edge and they seem to be doing just fine. STEVE WYNN 2012! The last time I checked, "From each, according to his ability; to each, according to his need" wasn't in the US Constitution. So when does social responsibility become socialism?

Our economic model consists primarily of charging each other a fee to do each others' laundry and we can't seem to figure out why we're all so damn deep in the hole. Our way of life is unsustainable yet we persist in finding new ways to preserve it. This note doesn't make much sense. It is very discombobulated and that's the point.

Neither the 18-25 demographic's messiah or the 75-120 demographic's maverick is going to be able to reform a world falling apart at the seams nor will they be able to rewrite 50,000 years of genetic programming. Rome isn't burning, it's in hell. Most people just don't recognize it. That was a little morbid even for me.

Point is, the world is run by big money. Plain and simple. I challenge anyone, especially those of you who are voting for CHANGE, to prove different.

But once this election nonsense is over at least we finally get a two year breather before the crap starts all over again.

Daylight savings is weird.