Thursday, November 26, 2009


May we all be thankful for the health, wealth and happiness that exists in our lives. Regardless of the varying amounts, all of us have some measure of these three key ingredients. For the overwhelming majority of the facebook crowd, the largest problem we face is boredom. Never before in the history of humanity have so many enjoyed so much for so little.

However having so many blessings serves only to highlight those few things that we don't have. There's nothing wrong with that. In fact it is only by staring at that seemingly gaping maw of our endless wants that keep us all trudging forward. I have long since abandoned the naive notion that we can all just cast those base desires aside and join hands in song and harmony. But I still firmly believe that there is no reason to be sad about it. There are many things we can't control, but thankfully we can control how we perceive things. Look on the bright side at least you have the ability to look on the bright side.

People tend to confuse unrestrained optimism with delusional fantasy. They scornfully deride the dreams of others in order to cushion the blows of their unrealized ambitions. They dare not raise their expectations because they cannot cope with what they expect will be there inevitable failure.

Take stock of where you are and where you want to be. Nobody put you here and even if somebody did there is nobody keeping you here. The door has always been unlocked, just step through it instead of mocking those that actually do. At the same time, do not expect everyone or even anyone to agree with your actions. Life is not lived by consensus. Life is simply lived. Every action of every day is another indelible entry into the log of your life. For better or worse there are no mulligans, so just keep walking.
